The Official Website


Accessibility Statement

We believe that the Internet should be available and accessible to every person, regardless of circumstances and ability. To realize this, we strive to adhere as strictly as possible to the guidelines for accessibility to content on the Internet.  Compliance with these guidelines helps us ensure that the site will be accessible to all users of the site. The site was designed and built to be adapted to each user in accordance with the requirements of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Regulations (Service Accessibility Adjustments), 5773-2013, the recommendations of Israeli Standard 5568, and in accordance with therecommendations for making WCAG 2.0 web content accessible at the AA level. Information on website accessibility Adaptation for keyboard users
  1. The site is optimized for keyboard navigation: this includes the ability to navigate the site using the Tab and Shift + Tab keys; activate menus and selection fields with the arrow keys and close them with ESC. This also includes activating buttons and links with the Enter key, navigating between radio buttons and checkboxes with the arrow keys, and filling them with the spacebar or the Enter key.
  2. A check was made to ensure that the visual order of items matches their order in tab navigation.
  3. The focus indicator when using the keyboard is clear and visible.
  4. Jumping to the main content of a page is possible using the skip link at the top of the page.
  Adaptation for screen readers
  1. The site is written semantically with accepted HTML tags and content hierarchy. In addition, ARIA features (Accessible Rich Web Applications) are embedded in the site to ensure that users using a screen reader can read, understand, and use the site.
  2. Images contain alternative text that provides information about the content of the image.
  3. The site is optimized for all popular screen readers including JAWS and NVDA.
  Additional accommodations
  1. The site meets text contrast requirements to ensure that all users can read it without difficulty.
  2. No information is conveyed through the exclusive use of color.
  3. All videos embedded on the site include subtitles.
  4. Adjustments have been made for users sensitive to motion and flickering. The site is safe for these users.
  Accessibility interface
  1. Does not exist
  Testing and compatibility
  1. We strive to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies possible so that site users can choose the tools best suited to their needs, with as few restrictions as possible. We support all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge.
  2. The website’s accessibility was tested using the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.
  3. The website’s accessibility was tested using the NVDA and TalkBack screen readers.
  Operating instructions for special components There are no special components Information about inaccessible components
  1. Despite our many efforts to allow anyone to customize the site to their needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, which are in the process of being made accessible or for which there is no suitable technological solution that enables making them accessible.
  2. We will be happy to help you and provide you with accessible solutions for any content on the site. You can contact us on the subject.
  Information on accessibility exemption There is no exemption Information on business accessibility There is no public reception How to contact us in case of a question or problem
  1. If you have a question related to the accessibility of our office, if you find a malfunction, if you have difficulty using the site, or if you have ideas for improvement, we will be happy to hear from you.
  2. You can contact us via the following email: or by phone +97277-4332737 Yuvi
This page was last updated on April 30, 2024
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